Jun 24

So we collide

A very warm thank you to everyone who came to the signings…

I’m an introvert through and through so it’s always a bit draining to be social amongst both friends and strangers for a stretch of time. You’d think writers can hide behind pages of words. :P

But God never ceases to surprise and bless me. I’ve really enjoyed hearing many of the stories weaving in your lives. How sweet the openness in sharing and the authenticity of your hearts.

A few memorable characters:

  • Portland, OR (Yuee wants to live there, not ever having been there…) native dad who picked up a copy for 4 daughters to pass around… later in the evening, met mom (exchanged gluten-free headaches/tips) & daughter #4 (the biggest fan of Chrissie’s Cookies thus far)
  • Young man meeting his e-Harmony match-up for the first time
  • Londoner on a long-term work assignment and loving Dallas… (Really? Oh, but we love YOUR city!)
  • Engaged 16-year-old to be wed in 2-3 years, w/ marine biologist aspirations in dream destination of Japan
  • Chicago math professor Dr. Black en route to a date with his adult daughter :)
  • Sci-fi writer with a soon-to-be released book (e-mail us if you read this — the husband wants your book when it comes out!)
  • All-out hiker/camper mom and boy scout advocate who told her son not to buy anything over $12.99 (DFH, before tax :P)
  • Recent Iowa transplant (in the dead of TX crazy heat!) to work for military corp L3 who relayed his struggles w/ singleness

Thanks also for the notes, thoughts and kind words of encouragement from many of you who couldn’t make it. To wherever Tate brings us next, if anywhere… Borders requested for a return event in the fall so we shall see.

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