Nov 11

6 years, baby!

What a road we have traveled! Still running side by side — through easy flats and tough hills, smooth roads and rocky plains. Regardless, come what may, eyes forward, on Him, on the prize… (Hebrews 12:1-2!)

The recent sprinkling of Twitter followers (nice to “meet” you, folks!) and a reminder to renew this domain also spawned this post. :)

We have a surprise… a fairly big one. Stay tuned!

But for now, I’ll leave with a letter submitted by Sabrina:

Dear Future Husband,
I can’t wait until nights like this, when I have to go to bed early because I work early in the morning and we send the evenings watching movies until we fall asleep. I can’t wait to feel you lie beside me, to feel you breathing against my neck, hear you snore, and feel the warmth of your body against mine. I want to fall asleep cuddled in your protective arms. I want to fall asleep holding your hand. I want to wake up and kiss your sleeping face. I want to love you forever.

Forever my love, your future wife.

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